Tipe Kata Kerja (Types of Verbs)


Dalam artikel ini akan dijelaskan secara singkat mengenai tipe-tipe dari kata kerja (Verb) dalam bahasa inggris sebab tidak semua kata kerja sama. Kata kerja dalam bahasa Inggris dibagi menjadi tiga jenis yaitu.

  1. Continuous Verbs
Jenis pertama disebut "Continuous Verbs", pada umumnya kata kerja bahasa Inggris bertipe jenis ini. Cirri yang menonjol adalah kata kerja ini merupakan kegiatan secara fisik yang biasa dilakukan orang.

Continuous Verbs
   to run, to walk, to eat, to fly, to go, to say, to touch etc.
I eat bread every week.
I am eating dinner now
  1. Non Continuous Verbs
Jenis Kedua disebut  "Non-continuous Verbs", Ciri yang menonjol adalah kata kerja ini merupakan sesuatu yang tidak bisa orang kerjakan. Kata kerja ini jarang digunakan dalam "continuous" tenses. yaitu:
Abstract Verbs

   to be, to want, to cost, to seem, to need, to care, to contain, to owe, to exist...
Possession Verbs
   to possess, to own, to belong...
Emotion Verbs
   to like, to love, to hate, to dislike, to fear, to envy, to mind...
He is here now.    Correct
He is being here now.    Not Correct
He wants a drink now.    Correct
He is wanting a drink now.    Not Correct
  1. Mixed Verbs
Jenis ketiga adalah "Mixed Verbs", sedikit sekali kata kerja yang masuk dalam jenis ini.Ciri yang khas adalah kata kerja ini mempunyai dua arti yaitu berlaku seperti  "Non-continuous Verbs", dan "Continuous Verbs."
Mixed Verbs
to have, to appear, to see, to hear, to feel, to weigh, to look ...
to appear:
Donna appears confused.    Non-continuous Verb
(Donna seems confused.)
My favorite singer is appearing at the jazz club tonight.    Continuous Verb
(My favorite singer is giving a performance at the jazz club tonight.)
to hear:
She hears the music.    Non-continuous Verb
(She hears the music with her ears.)
She is hearing voices.    Continuous Verb
(To hear something others cannot hear. She is hearing voices in her mind.)
to feel:
The massage feels great.    Non-continuous Verb
(The massage has a pleasing feeling.)
I don't feel well today.    Continuous or Non-continuous Verb
I am not feeling well today.
(I am a little sick.)
Download Modul Lengkapnya Tipe kata Kerja (Types of Verb)

Simple Present


Ada beberapa penggunaan dari simple present tense, yaitu :
  1. untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang berulang
  2. untuk menyatakan generalisasi atau kegiatan yang biasa berlangsung
  3. Untuk menyetakan kegiatan saat ini.
Untuk lebih jelasnya perhatikan penjelesan di bawah ini

Repeated Actions (Kegiatan berulang)
Simple present dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan gagasan atau kegiatan yang dilakukan sering dilakukan berulangkali seperti bangun tidur, atau kebiasaan seperti berolahraga, jadwal pemberangkatan kendaraan dan lain sebagainya, kegiatan tersebut dapat berupa kebiasaan, hobby, kegiatan sehari-hari, jadwal, dan juga kebiasaan yang selalu tidak dilakukan.
I play tennis.
She does not play tennis.
The train leaves every morning at 8 am.
The train does not leave at 9am.
She always forgets her purse.
He never forgets his wallet.
Every twelve months, the Earth circles the sun.
The sun does not circle the Earth.
Menyatakan Kebenaran atau keadaan yang umum (Facts or Generalizations)     
Simple Present dapat juga digunakan untuk mengekspresikan suatu kejadian yang benar pada masa lampau, sekarang maupun yang akan datang, misalnya matahari terbit dari barat, satu jam 360 menit dan lain sebagainya. Selain itu Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menyatakan generalisasi (keadaan yang umum) terhadap pikiran orang, misalnya orang batak suka musik, burung mempunyai sayap dan lain sebagainya

Cats like milk.
Birds do not like milk.
Jakarta is in Indonesia
Surabaya is not in the United Kingdom.
Windows are made of glass.
Windows are not made of wood.
Jakarta is a small city. (It is not important that this fact is untrue.)

Keadaan Sekarang Now (Non-Continuous Verbs) 
Simple Present digunakan juga untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang berlangsung maupun tidak berlangsung saat ini secasra spontan. Namun hanya bisa digunakan dengan
Non-continuous Verbs dan Mixed Verbs.
I am here now.
She is not here now.
He needs help right now.
He does not need help now.
He has a car.



File Download
1. Modul Pembiasan Cahaya
2. Daur Biokimia
3. Simple Present Full
4. Tipe kata Kerja

Pembiasan Cahaya


Pembiasan cahaya berarti pembelokan arah rambat cahaya saat melewati bidang batas dua medium bening yang berbeda indeks biasnya.




  1. Paleontologi, yaitu ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang sisa-sisa manusia, hewan, dan tumbuhan yang telah membatu dan tinggal bekas-bekasnya yang membuktikan tentang adanya kehidupan manusia purba. Atau Paleontologi = ilmu tentang fosil.
  2. Palaeo-Antropologi, yaitu ilmu antropologi yang mempelajari asal-usul terjadinya dan perkembangan makhluk manusia dengan obyek penyelidikan berupa fosil (sisa-sisa tubuh) manusia purba , yang tersimpan dalam lapisan bumi dan harus didapati oleh peneliti dengan berbagai metode penggalian
  3. Antropolgi Budaya, ilmu pengetahuan tentang peradaban manusia dari bentuk yang paling sederhana sampai tingkat yang lebih maju.
  4. Arkeologi atau ilmu kepurbakalaan, yaitu ilmu pengetAhuan yang mempelajari peninggalan-peninggalan sejarah dan purbakala untuk menyusun kembali kehidupan manusia dalam masyarakat masa lalu.
  5. Filologi,yaitu ilmu perbandingan bahasa
  6. Geologi, yaitu ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang lapisan bumi serta perbatuan, sehingga kita dapat mengetahui umur dari fosil yang terdapat dalam lapisan bumi Fosil adalah benda-benda organik yang telah membatu karena proses kimiawi

Ciri Makhluk Hidup


Di alam terdapat faktor-faktor:
· Abiotis, yaitu benda-benda alam yang tidak hidup seperti tanah, air, udara, dll, dimana penyusunnya merupakan senyara anorganik saja seperti karbohidrat, protein, lemak, dll.
· Biotis, yaitu organisme hidup seperti tumbuhan, hewan, dan manusia.

Mahluk hidup dibedakan dengan mahluk mati apabila memenuhi persyaratan di bawah ini  yaitu  Tu - Ger - M - I - R
· Tumbuh dan berkembang
· Melakukan Gerak
· Mengadakan Metabolisme
· Iritabilita
· Reproduksi.

Dengan demikian mahluk hidup dapat dilihat juga dari ciri struktural dan fungsionalnya, yaitu :
· Nutrisi
Mahluk hidup memerlukan makanan yang berguna untuk mendapatkan energi dan untuk menyusun tubuh dan mengganti tubuh yang rusak.
· Sintesa
Dalam tubuh terjadi perubahan dari suatu senyawa menjadi senyawa lain untuk kepentingan menyusun tubuhnya, memelihara kelangsungan hidup, dan mempertahankan tubuh dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan.
· Respirasi
Ialah proses penyederhanaan senyawa kimia dari zat makanan untuk mendapatkan energi.
· Transportasi
Proses pengangkutan senyawa kimia ke atau dari seluruh bagian tubuh untuk memelihara keseimbangan diperlukan sistem transportasi.
· Ekskresi
Yaitu pengeluaran senyawa-senyawa kimia yang tidak berguna bagi tubuh mahluk hidup.
· Regulasi
Berguna untuk memelihara keserasian proses-proses dalam tubuh.
· Tumbuh dan berkembang
Yaitu bertambahnya volume sel, jumlah sel dan jumlah senyawa kimia.
· Adaptasi
 Yaitu proses penyesuaian mahluk hidup dengan lingkungan sekitarnya.
· Reproduksi
Yaitu bertambahnya jumlah individu yang berperan untuk memelihara kelestarian keturunannya.

Daur Biokimia


Semua yang ada di bumi ini baik maklhuk hidup atau benda mati tersusun oleh materi. materi ini tersusun oleh unsur-unsur kimia antara lain karbon (C), Oksigen (O), Nitrogen (N), Hidrogen (H) dan fosfor (P).unsur kimia tersebut atau yang umum di sebut sebagai materi di manfaatkan produseb untuk membentuk bahan organik...

untuk libihh jelas download animasi di sini.

Keanekaragaman Hayati Tingkat Jenis


Dapatkah Anda membedakan antara tumbuhan kelapa aren, nipah dan pinang? Atau membedakan jenis kacang-kacangan, seperti kacang tanah, kacang buncis, kacang kapri, dan kacang hijau? Atau Anda dapat membedakan kelompok hewan antara kucing,harimau, singa dan citah? Jika hal ini dapat Anda bedakan dengan benar, maka paling tidak sedikitnya anda telah mengetahui tentang keanekaragaman jenis.

Untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati tingkat jenis pada tumbuhan atau hewan, anda dapat mengamati, antara lain ciri-ciri fisiknya. Misalnya bentuk dan ukuran tubuh,warna, kebiasaan hidup dan lain-lain.

Contoh, dalam keluarga kacang-kacangan, antara lain; kacang tanah, kacang kapri, kacang hijau dan kacang buncis. Di antara jenis kacang-kacangan tersebut Anda dapat dengan mudah membedakannya, karena antara mereka ditemukan ciri-ciri yang berbeda antara ciri satu dengan yang lainnya. Misalnya ukuran tubuh atau batang (ada yang tinggi dan pendek); kebiasaan hidup (tumbuh tegak, ada yang merambat), bentuk buah dan biji, warna biji, jumlah biji, serta rasanya yang berbeda.

Contoh lain, keanekaragaman pada keluarga kucing. Di kebun binatang, Anda dapat mengamati hewan harimau, singa, citah dan kucing.

Walaupun hewan-hewan tersebut termasuk dalam satu familia/suku Felidae, tetapi diantara mereka terdapat perbedaan-perbedaan sifat yang mencolok. Misalnya, perbedaan warna bulu, tipe lorengnya, ukuran tubuh, tingkah laku, serta lingkungan hidupnya.
refernsi PUSTEKKOM@2005



Cabang Ilmu biologi di bagi menjadi beberapa bagian yaitu :

1. Anatomi
2. Antropologi
3. Akarologi
4. Bakteriologi
5. Cytologi
6. Dermatologi
7. Ekologi
8. Embriokologi
9. Entomologi
10. Fisiologi
11. Farmakologi
12. Genetika
13. Ginekologi
14. Hegiena
15. Histologi
16. Palaeontologi
17. Teratologi
18. Taksonomi
19. Obstetri
20. Onkologi, dan sebagainya

Munculnya cabang-cabang baru tersebut, disebabkan timbulnya masalah yang oleh para ahli dipecahkan secara metode ilmiah dengan urutan ( O - O - H - E - A -K ) :

· Observasi (pengamatan)
· Organizing (pengumpulan data)
· Hipotesa (pengajuan dugaan)
· Eksperimen (percobaan)
· Analisa (pencarian hubungan logika)
· Kesimpulan.

Keanekaragaman Hayati Tingkat Jenis


Dapatkah Anda membedakan antara tumbuhan kelapa aren, nipah dan pinang? Atau membedakan jenis kacang-kacangan, seperti kacang tanah, kacang buncis, kacang kapri, dan kacang hijau? Atau Anda dapat membedakan kelompok hewan antara kucing,harimau, singa dan citah? Jika hal ini dapat Anda bedakan dengan benar, maka paling tidak sedikitnya anda telah mengetahui tentang keanekaragaman jenis.

Untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman hayati tingkat jenis pada tumbuhan atau hewan, anda dapat mengamati, antara lain ciri-ciri fisiknya. Misalnya bentuk dan ukuran tubuh,warna, kebiasaan hidup dan lain-lain.

Contoh, dalam keluarga kacang-kacangan, antara lain; kacang tanah, kacang kapri, kacang hijau dan kacang buncis. Di antara jenis kacang-kacangan tersebut Anda dapat dengan mudah membedakannya, karena antara mereka ditemukan ciri-ciri yang berbeda antara ciri satu dengan yang lainnya. Misalnya ukuran tubuh atau batang (ada yang tinggi dan pendek); kebiasaan hidup (tumbuh tegak, ada yang merambat), bentuk buah dan biji, warna biji, jumlah biji, serta rasanya yang berbeda.

Contoh lain, keanekaragaman pada keluarga kucing. Di kebun binatang, Anda dapat mengamati hewan harimau, singa, citah dan kucing.

Walaupun hewan-hewan tersebut termasuk dalam satu familia/suku Felidae, tetapi diantara mereka terdapat perbedaan-perbedaan sifat yang mencolok. Misalnya, perbedaan warna bulu, tipe lorengnya, ukuran tubuh, tingkah laku, serta lingkungan hidupnya.

Bertone Mantide


Stile Bertone unveiled a full-scale model of the Mantide at the Shanghai auto show today, the first vehicle designed by Jason Castriota since he took the role of Design Director. Based on the Corvette ZR-1 platform, Castriota and his new design team re-skinned the vehicle in a sensual cloak that the designer feels lies somewhere between two extremes: namely "the organic sensuality of the Ferrari 330 P4 and the brutality of the Lancia Stratos Zero and LP500 Countach prototype".
Drawing inspiration from aerospace and F1, the design theme is defined by a teardrop-shaped fuselage enveloped by organically grown wings that wrap around the body. These are a nod to the original Bertone BAT concept's, while the wheelarches are a tip of the hat to Marcello Gandini's avantgarde designs. A black graphic, which rises from a transparent cover on the hood that provides a window to the car's soul, leads to an aerodynamic groove in the roof that drives air to a small but highly effective rear Kamm spoiler. All the surface volumes converge at the rear, providing a sense of continuity within the modern form language, which also includes geometric shapes that are repeated in the front, side and rear of the car.
"I've had this car in my head for a number of years," Castriota told us at the stand in Shanghai. "All we needed to do was get it developed". In so doing, the Mantide was designed entirely in VR before being milled. A fiberglass shell was then mounted on the Corvette chassis and the aerodynamics honed in the wind tunnel before the one-off car was fabricated from carbon fiber. According to Castriota, the Mantide is designed not only to show off an extreme aesthetic but also extreme aero values: "We wanted to create proper air channels so we could achieve real-world numbers; the Cd went from 0.38 [the stock Corvette package] to 0.29 and the downforce was increased by 30 percent."
As other design directors have before him, Castriota is already leaving a significant imprint on Bertone while paying homage to some of the iconic vehicles developed by the coachbuilder. But the Mantide is not a retro car: it has been conceived to show manufacturers that the possibilities of developing all-new, dramatically different design themes over existing platforms are not limited, but endless.

source from http://www.cardesignnews.com

Review Mazda BT-50 3.0 CRDi Drifter SLE D-Cab 4x4 Dsl PU



Make Mazda
Model BT-50
Derivative 3.0 CRDi Drifter SLE D-Cab 4x4 Dsl PU
Year 2007
Price R 372 101
Capacity Apr-53
KWrmin 115/3200
Nmrmin 380/1800
Gears CT 4-May
CARtoday Road Test -
Power/Weight Ratio 57
Acceleration 12.5
Max Speed 168
Fuel Consumption @ 100 11.3
Fuel Tank Capacity 80
Fuel Range -
Boot CT 1167
Audio System CD Shuttle
Central Locking Remote
Air Conditioner Manual
Power Steering Yes
Electric Windows Front & Rear
ABS Brakes Yes
Immobiliser Yes
Airbags D+P+S
Drive 4x4

Source from http://www.carmag.co.za

Porsche Boxster Spyder


Porsche is poised to reveal the Boxster Spyder, the spiritual ancestor to the legendary 550 Spyder built back in 1953, at the forthcoming LA Auto Show.
The newest member of the Boxster family has been developed first and foremost for open air driving; the low-slung, lightweight soft top that extends far to the rear serves only to protect the driver and passenger from bright sunshine, wind and weather. When closed, the soft top, together with the extra-low side windows and the two striking bulges on the single-piece rear lid, boasts a stretched and sleek silhouette reminiscent of the Carrera GT.

At just 1275kg, the Spyder is the lightest model in the Porsche range. It weighs significantly less than the Boxster S and has a lower center of gravity and an all-new sports suspension. Its 3.4-liter six-cylinder also puts out 320bhp, 10bhp more than in the Boxster S.

Market introduction of the new Porsche Boxster Spyder will start worldwide in February 2010.

source form http://www.cardesignnews.com

Citi’s last stand


Volkswagen South Africa has paid homage to the original Golf 1, with the introduction of a final limited edition Citi, aptly named Citi Mk1. Only 1 000 of these cars will find their way into the hands of South African customers and clients around the world.

According to VWSA, the introduction of Citi Mk1 to the Citi range is a fitting gesture to send off and close the final chapter of the best-ever selling hatchback in South African motoring history, having provided South African motorists with a fun, unique, affordable driving package for 25 years. It has defied all marketing textbook theories on the life cycle of a brand.

Since 1978, the same time the first generation Golf was launched in South Africa, Volkswagen of South Africa has produced 377 484 Citis and a total of 517 384 A1 (first generation) Golfs. The Volkswagen plant in Uitenhage has been the only plant in the Volkswagen Group to have continued building the legendary A1 Golf in Citi guise.

Citi made its first appearance on South African roads in 1984, launched as an affordable car to compete in the entry level segment following the introduction of the bigger and more expensive Golf 2 – otherwise known as the “Jumbo”. For 25 years, the Citi range has continuously been refreshed and kept alive with innovative, appealing special and limited editions such as the Designa, CTI, Deco, Sonic, Wolf, Bafana Bafana, R Line, Xcite, Billabong and most recently the GTS.

The latest and last limited edition of the Citi range, the Citi Mk1, is offered with the 1.6i engine which has a power output of 74kW at 5 400 r/min and 140 N.m of torque at 4 400 r/min.

Available only in two colours, Black and Shadow Blue metallic, the Citi Mk1 is fitted with 15-inch, gunmetal-painted alloy wheels and a polished exhaust tailpipe, as well as dark tail-lights, double headlights and a chrome highlight around the grille. The sides boast GT-style stripes in chrome foil. The interior has sport seats with partial leather, leather steering wheel, the original golf ball gear knob, floor mats with Mk1 logo and red stitching throughout.

Two of the last produced Citi Mk1 units will join other Volkswagen classics that are on permanent display at the Autostadt, the Volkswagen Group Museum and Brand Expo in Wolfsburg, Germany and at the Volkswagen AutoPavillion Brand heritage centre in Uitenhage.

Only 1 000 units will be available and each will have a unique number – from 1 to 1 000 - embossed on the passenger side facia and integrated into the uniquely designed exterior Mk1 logo. The Citi Mk1’s retail price is R113 500 (VAT included), and like all other Citi models, the Citi Mk1 comes a standard three years/120 000 km warranty, while Volkswagen AutoMotion maintenance and service plans are optional.

Source from http://www.cartoday.com

Subaru Hybrid Tourer


Subaru has released additional images of its Hybrid Tourer concept, which the company will reveal at the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show next week. The environmentally friendly design study is claimed to be a grand touring car with enhanced performance and safety attributes.

Click on the link below to see our previous news story, and be sure to check out our forthcoming highlight articles on this and all the other concept cars being unveiled at the show.
source from http://www.cardesignnews.com

Lexus LFA


Lexus presented the LFA at the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show last week, the culmination of four years and two show cars. The new front-mid engined supercar is skinned in carbon-fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), which, aside from being both lightweight and strong, also enabled greater freedom to create shapes, curves and edges. Seen in the flesh, however, the white bodycolor did the LFA few favors, though this choice may have more to do with slighting Acura - the last NSX, the Type-R, was also white with a red and black interior.

Inside, the hand-built, driver-focused interior is divided into three zones: a mechanical zone, a human zone, and the driving zone. The seats are upholstered in leather and Alcantara and the trim features exposed areas of carbon fiber, brushed metal and forged aluminum. The IP structure gives a feeling of immersion when behind the wheel, while the lower beam still gives a feeling of connection and control. It fits well with the exterior, but the real innovation is bringing a structural member through the aperture behind the door-glass, adding a NASCAR-like quality.

Daihatsu Basket concept


Japanese automaker Daihatsu revealed the Basket concept at the recent Tokyo Motor Show. The back to basics vehicle was designed for Japanese people looking to escape crowed urban areas and those living in rural environments.

The four-seat concept features a removable hardtop roof over the front seats and a removable canvas top over the rear seats. It includes a B-pillar basket handle that extends over the top of the car, similar to the Mk1 Golf cabriolet from the 1980s. At the rear, the wide deck and folding rear seatbacks have been designed to carry a multitude of items.

Toyota Mark X


The second generation Mark X made its debut at the Tokyo motor show late last month, furthering the sporty and luxurious theme initiated by the outgoing model. The redesigned rear-wheel-drive sedan was created around a 'glam tech' theme at Toyota's Japanese studios, combining a modern look with high-tech features .
Overall, the design of the Mark X is a subtle contrast of dynamic elements paired with understated luxury. At the front, pronounced fenders give the impression that the vehicle is ready to leap forwards, while three openings in the bumper and a 20mm wider track emphasize the vehicle's low center of gravity and wide stance. The vehicle's silhouette is smooth and elegant, with expansive C-pillars and a precise feature line beneath the door handles to emphasize integration with the underbody.

Inside, the interior continues the sporty and dynamic theme with a flowing IP and prominent center stack. Available in two trim levels - Premium and Sport - the steering wheel and shift knob ornamentation can either be trimmed in a wood-grain finish to enhance its luxury appeal or in a modern and robust black lacquered-theme in the Sports model (pictured).

(source from http://www.cardesignnews.com)

Daihatsu Deca Deca concept


The Deca Deca concept was one of three concept cars unveiled by Daihatsu at the recent Tokyo motor show and one of the stars. Called a 'super box' by its maker, the Deca Deca's robust exterior form expresses stability. But beneath the car's boxy exterior proportions and upright stance is a modern, reconfigurable interior that emphasizes functionality.

Ingress and egress into the cabin is facilitated thanks to a low, flat floor and pillarless side-by-side doors that open 135 degrees. The slim fold-away seats, meanwhile, can be arranged in a variety of patterns to work inside the vehicle or stow large items.